Who are we?

The foundation Kids to School was founded in 2008 by Caren van Egten and Ans Groener in close collaboration with Sr. Jocelyn Pecto, maths teacher in Kenya. Since 1978, Ans Groener, have regularly visited Kenya because a friend of her was working there as a missionary. Over the years she has seen more of Kenya and has become increasingly interested in the country. For her, it became clear that good education is essential for the development of people and nations. During one of her visits she met Jocelyn and since 1998 they worked together to give children, who otherwise would had to quit school due to lack of money, the opportunity to finish their education. It soon became apparent that a high school education is not enough to find a job and build an independent life. A logical next step was to give the children the opportunity to follow a vocational or academic training.

In 2008, Caren van Egten heard about their activity. She also felt that vocational training is incredibly important for the development and empowerment of girls and young women. Her enthusiasm and her contribution led to the foundation of the Kids to School in 2008. With the help of Sr. Jocelyn Pecto we could immediately give five Maasai girls the financial support to enable them to finish their education

At the beginning of 2024, we hade seventeen young women and ten young men in Kenya, two young women and a young man in Tanzania and one young man in the Philippines with the certainty that they can complete their education thanks to our foundation. To provide good guidance to young people, we work together with various people in the country concerned. In Kenya we do this by working together with Sr. Celia Marcelino, financial coordinator and the Local Advisory Committee (LAC). The LAC consists of Andrew Nijnga Kimani, Onyango Nicholaus Otieno, former student of Kids to School, Caroline Ogida Kisato, Alice Waringa Karanja, contact person of Community Organization & Training for Risk Reduction, Emily Muriet Tumaina, former student of Kids to School and Ann Nduku contact person of Vijana Amani Pamoja, (Swahili for Youth Peace Together). In Tanzania we work with Terri Place, director of the Baobab home and the Steven Tito Academy in Bagamoyo and in the Philippines, Jocelyn Pecto’s home country, with Sr. Gemma Sobridilla.

The board in the Netherlands consists of Ans Groener (president), Hiske Bolt (secretary), Raimond Siebesma (treasurer), Caroline Houben (member) and Liesbeth Kilsdonk (member).